Thursday, February 26, 2009

It has been a few days... I have been crazy busy and still have about amillion and one things to do. Or at least it feels that way. Hopefully, this will be short but no guarentees.

I started the revamping of my living room this week. Sunday we went to HomeDepot (the place that is getting all my money these days) and bought paint, light fixtures, and many other things to spruce up the living room, front entrance and hallway. It has turned into a complete remodeling of the living room area... And I think it is turing out quite nice.

This is the terrbile pee green color we had before....

This is the work in progress....

Once it is completed I will post a few pictures. Other than the complete disaster my house has turned into and all the work I have been doing with the painting and such... My life has been pretty OK. Nothing really to relay.....

Well, until I have completed the process... Much love to you all!