For starters, this blog will be dedicated to my little lady Cadence.
Well, tomorrow at officially 10:59pm, my little lady Cadence will be 5 years old. 5!!!! I can't believe it. She is getting so big and grow
n up. She just amazes me. She is gentle and kind, so smart, and pure evil all wrapped up into one.
I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her. It was a happy day and a sad one to boot. Well, we had been trying to have another baby for about eight months, because my doctor told me that I wouldn't be able to have anymore. Well, I had started to believe that it would never happen (i am impatient and 8 months was torture for me) and I was losing hope. Well, one weekend in May 2003 my sister-in-law, bro-in-law, and I went out to celebrate his birthday. Let me just say we totally celebrated! I slept by the toilet that night... not fun at all.
Well, the previous year was rough for me and I had become accustom to drinking in large quantities.... Well, the following day was Sunday and I was completely hungover... I had work the next day.
I went to work, not feeling so hot and thought I was coming down with something. We were stressed, getting ready to move, getting ready to go on vacation with my family, and tons of other crap. While at work I realized that I hadn't started my period that month so I went to the store got a test, went home at lunch peed... and cried my eyes out when I show the positive sign. I was so happy and completely disgusted with myself for getting my newly growing baby drunk.
Well, that pregnancy was by far the worst. I learned with my first I that I lose loads of weight in the beginning but this time was really pushing it. I started out at 134 and ended up going down to 114 in about 2weeks time (wish I could do that now). So I learned that I get hyper-thyroidism while preggers. Every week I had to be tested and every week I had to have an ultrasound. The baby was growing perfectly, no problems with her at all. But my weight was just getting lower. So once I hit my tenth week... I started to show progression. I still only ended up gaining a total of 18 pounds more than when I first started out at... but the baby was great. She was a rotten turd though. Still getting ultrasounds every 2 weeks at this point... yet she would always cross her legs when trying to find out whether she was a boy or girl. The doc first said girl, next time, boy, and then he just gave up. Until she decided to try to come early. Preterm labor was evil. However, it was also stopped.
Then I was still working up to labor time... and I went to work on Mon, Feb 9th- We were done to one car and I had taken my friend to work... Well, Jason worked in Akron and that is a good hour from where I was.... About 9:45 10:00 am... the contractions started... they were getting worse and closer. I had to call my friend, Jennie, she had to call another friend, Lora, to get her to me, to get me home. Well, home we get, and those damn contractions stop-but still hurt like hell. So, we walked and we walked and we walked and we walked.
Finally, Jason gets home and we head up to the Hospital. Now, mind you the Friday before I went it, I was already 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced....The nurse told me I was about a 1cm and only 50%. I laughed at her and told her she was wrong. Well, some time went on and still getting closer and worse... Get checked again and still told maybe a 2 and only 50% .... an hour later... some how I am a 1cm again.... they told me they were going to send me home, that it wasn't time. I told them to call my midwife and let her decide that. Here, not once did they call her and tell her that I was there and she flipped out. Talked to the main resident on call at the Hospital and when he checked me for the millionth time he flipped.
I remember him talking the nurse behind the curtain (not sound proof mind you) and just started yelling at her.... That made this uncomfortable woman very happy. Well, here I was already 7cm and 90% to 100% effaced... my midwife got there... told me that I may not be able to have an epidural and I told her I was getting one. My water hadn't broke yet (it never did with any on my kids) and she got it set up. It didn't even work.... grrr!
Well, I was having a hard time pushing and the baby coming out.... and her heart rate was dropping. Now, all you mothers who have had kids knows that your knees are at your face and your feet are too far way either... well, I had the midwife and nurse whispering to Jason it coax me to push harder and not stop at all, because the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck and her heart rate was dropping too fast... It was my turn to flip and I just started screaming_ "I can hear you, damn it!" One more push and she was out. Cleaned up and slapped down on me.
She was perfect. So tiny, 7lbs 1oz. I was so happy and exhausted.
She was so jaundice for so long, they made me get a billirubin blanket to help or she would be back in the hospital. That cleared up and she got RSV at 3 weeks. I was terrified. Spent a few nights in the intensive care unit... and she was better. So independent at such an early age too. She stopped nursing on her own at 5 months-almost killed me. But I wouldn't trade her for the world.
Happy Birthday, My Sweet Angel!!!!
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