I think at some point I would like to not worry about what negative thing is going to come my way when I am at a happy point or really even think something may be going well. I often wonder just how many terrible things have had to happen for me to even worry about what craptastic thing was going to make it's way into my direct path.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Can't I tell that little part to just shut up...
Posted by Manda at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
let the anxiety commence
.... all I do these days is try to get through them as best as I can. I am not a depressed individual. In fact I haven't been happier than I have been in years. I enjoy waking in the morning and going to work. I enjoy seeing my peers, my friends, my family... I enjoy living life... but I do not enjoy seeing each day pass by as though it were only a moment in time.
Posted by Manda at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
purely random
I've known this about myself for some time now and I guess I just didn't want to admit it. I push everyone away or I just don't let you in close enough... Just still keeping you at a distance. No matter who you are, I have and will continue you push.
Posted by Manda at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I find it to be disheartening that everyday more and more people wake up and make the choice to teach hatred, ignorance, injustice to others around them. Then the same group of Neanderthal Primates question why the world is so full of hatred and violence. I will tell you why!!!
Posted by Manda at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I never want to sleep again!
I used to stay up for hours, way into the middle of the night... allowing myself only maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night. I was trying to keep myself from dreaming. I couldn't stand dreaming. I didn't have normal dreams. They were the nightmares that could create horror movies or mystery series.
Posted by Manda at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
does this only happen to me??
I sometime think that if there was no bad luck I would have NO luck at all. I was joking around the other day... saying I am Irish... aren't we supposed to be lucky? Where my luck of the Irish? hahaha
Posted by Manda at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2011
... In the Positive
I have fallen prey to the force behind negativity! I am ashamed to admit it, but I did. I am guilty of it! Yet, I was strong and overpowered that force against me. I realized my error and corrected it.
Posted by Manda at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 7, 2011
Reality or ???
There are so many times I have heard the phrase “looking through rose colored glasses”. You see what you want to see and that is that. Well, it is just NO fun when you are punched in the gut by reality.
Today I made a decision to walk away from a situation that just wasn’t healthy for me. I wanted it to be something that it wasn’t and never would be. No matter how hard I wished and hoped for it to be. A friend did the verbal sucker punch to the gut when she told me in the simplest right to the point statement that I had been avoiding all this time. BAM! UGH! Down for the count!
The thing with me… I don’t stay down long at all! I pop right back up and said… You really let me have it with that one, didn’t ya! No holding back! That is when she also informed me that she was tired of watching me yo-yo myself back and for and that she had to say something. You can only be supportive 100% for so long. She informed me that it was time to realize that what I wanted and what it really was ARE TWO DIFFERENT things.
Funny how we can create desire in our minds and after years of being brain washed to follow after what it is you want… You actually go for it and try something you otherwise would have never done. Yes, trying something new is a fantastic idea… but at what point to you learn that there is nothing that will ever change the outcome that this was and always will be a failed attempt?
So many times we see that person who just never gives up… How many of us really see determination? Probably the lesser part of 20% and that may be reaching a bit far. We see stupidity, ignorance, a person continuing putting himself in a degrading situation, hopeless, lost, and doomed for unrelenting failures.
I tried to maintain the positive here… I tried to keep telling myself, that there had to be a chance, be it small or not… it was there. I knew it was there. I JUST KNEW IT!!! I think my glasses weren’t only rose colored but also equipped with blinders and scented candles.
Yet, today, I decided that living in a state of mind that will lead me further away from where I should be is the wrong place for me.
But damnit wouldn’t it be great it Fat Free, low Calorie, healthy yummy tasting ice cream exisited???
Posted by Manda at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 28, 2011
Faulty wiring...
I get these amazing ideas. They formulate in my mind from a single starting point. I can take something as simple as a thought about the stars at night and create a beautifully played out moment.
Posted by Manda at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Vertigo... NO!!!!!
I have been feeling amazing and just in the best of spirits. I was feeling amazing and doing wonderfully. My mood has been tip top and I have been feeling so healthy. Was just talking about it and well apparently jinxed myself in the process.
Posted by Manda at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lost and Lost...
You know what makes being me very difficult?? No, not that I am absolutely AWESOME!! Although, that can be tiresome. Hahahaha!!!
Posted by Manda at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Snap... Crackle... Pop...
Let's just say that I know I have a black cloud. I have even named that damned thing DUMPY. Why you ask? Because Dumpy likes to dump on me all the time. hahaha
Posted by Manda at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Life.... Just Live It!
Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. She turned 7. I was wondering how all that time had already flown by when my sister sent me a text. I was lost for thoughts or words when I read what she sent me.
Posted by Manda at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I know that....
It is already hard enough for me to get the ability to go and talk to someone when I am feeling down. I am the one that everyone else goes to for whatever reason. You need someone to talk to- Call Manda. You need someone to make you laugh- Call Manda. You need someone to poke you in the eye because you're being a moron- Call Manda. You need ..... fill in the blank- Call Manda.
It is very rare when I go out on that branch looking for a smile or a laugh or an ear or that finger to poke me in the eye. I never ever really felt that I should be able to lean back when others were leaning on me.
This past week was a very bad week for me. Through it all, I offered to do the Chicken Dance for a friend who was bummed and feeling down, offered a listening ear, a congratulatory high five, a funny story and a helping hand. Once I was done helping or being there for others I was too tired to even be there for myself.
Friday night I reached out and hoped for even just someone to listen. I miss my kids. I miss them so much it is making me unable to function. My brain isn't on the levels that it needs to be for work or home or anything. I broke down and cried for a few hours Friday night. It hurt but felt like a nice release at the same time.
I talked to a couple of friends and my sister. Then the next day I thought maybe if I keep talking about it, it may help me to feel a little better. You know, since that is what every one says. Boy, EVERYONE IS WRONG. Not only did I not feel any better after talking to people, I felt worse. Now I wasn't only sad and disheartened; I was angry and bitter.
I am pouring my heart out, crying to people (which I do NOT do often, if at all). Telling them how I feel so lost within myself. That I know I am thinking like a complete fool... but I feel miserable and guilty of not being with my kids 24/7. The response was not one I needed at that moment.
A slur of, "Really, Manda! You are being silly." "Would you rather still be in a loveless miserable marriage?" "What is wrong with you?" "Do you want your kids to see you unhappy?" the list goes on. I couldn't explain anymore how I knew all of those things. I am not a complete moron. I know that I am in a better place. I know I made the right decision. I know I know I know I know... that is all I had in response to each and every one of them! It only got worse when I was asked a day or so later, "Are you over your silly little mood?"
Because I am always whining and complaining about every single little thing (complete sarcasm). I was shocked! I don't expect to receive Gandhi Wise advice or support. Hell, just someone to listen to me cry and yell and whatever... Someone to say, You will be alright.
I guess that is what happens when you seek for a shoulder to cry on or a back to lean against, from some one that has no idea what you are going through or how you are feeling. It isn't easy feeling like this, alone.
It will get easier. I know that. I will be ok. I know that. My kids will be ok. I know that. I just will have some downward slides every now and then. I know that. You will slip along the way up the mountain. It is inevitable. I know that.
Posted by Manda at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wasn't there a light at the end of that tunnel???
I have found myself feeling overwhelmed. So very overwhelming. I feel myself falling. Falling so fast. Out of control. Misguided. Lost.
Posted by Manda at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 31, 2011
I guess you can say that I do miss being a part of a relationship. I have been doing some serious thinking and no longer smashing down every emotion that comes to the surface. No, I am not looking for one. No, I am not swooning over anyone.
Posted by Manda at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Many times a path is shown and many times the traveler just passes by. The path is winding and jutted with obstacles. The path is not the easiest to travel. Many times the traveler just looks at it in wonderment. Longing to one day be brave enough to travel down that path.
Posted by Manda at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Are you my mother?
There is nothing more satisfying than being a mother! I am a greedy selfish woman when it comes to my children. I truly can't get enough of them. I love watching and listening to everything they do! The way they observe everything. The way their minds work.
Posted by Manda at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I'll be there...
Just a little something.... I know (and thank God) that my kids don't read this, but this is a little something for them!
Posted by Manda at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Shock therapy??
You ever have that urge to write yourself a letter to read years down the road? I know a ton of things I would like to say to me... I would like to wring my own neck sometimes. Maybe my dear friend had a wonderful idea after all, some shock therapy! hahahaha... YES, completely kidding on that one.
Posted by Manda at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Today was the best day I have had in a long long time!!! It was just amazing! I swear it was like God heard I needed something good to happen.
Work went well... As usual! I was quite productive which was nice. I have been in a foggy cloud lately and it was nice to be back in the swing of things. After work was when it all fell together.
I went and picked my kids up for our trek to home. Kaleb in true fashion was out cold (unfortunately for both of us- there was no waking the boy-til he strolled out of his room after 10pm). We got home and Kyle, Cadence and I started dinner. We each had a part in getting dinner in the oven and on the stove. It was great having them work with me and together with each other. Then while I did a few little things around the house, the two of them flew through their homework til dinner. We each sat the table and were all ready for some yummy grub!!!
Dinner was a riot! I have a funny way about eating. I have always done it, have no idea why, but it has been pointed out to me over the years. When I eat I tend to greet my food with my tongue. That means I stick my tongue out to meet my food. If you have eaten with me and never noticed this... that was my choice! I won't let people see it because apparently I have gotten worse with it over time. During dinner the kids just sat there staring at me... Ya, know because I am radiant! hahaha Seriously, because they thought it was hilarious! Cadence says, "Mom, you do eat funny!" Kyle added, "Why does your tongue meet your food?"
Well, after they enjoyed cracking up laughing at me for a few minutes we continued dinner with funny conversations and craziness. They had me recording them doing silly things and I loved every moment of it! After dinner we cleaned up and Kyle and I finished his homework. He then went to play some xbox... yest before he did the 3 of us had a sit down with some super yummy ice cream! Then Cadence and I played cards... We are tied with wins right now! hahaha Kyle played some video games while Cadence insisted we fold and put away the 6 loads of laundry I had done. That sure went by quickly with my super special helper!!!
Bedtime came and down they went with out a hassle! They went down, Kaleb popped up! We snuggled and cuddled on the couch for a few before we got into bed to watch a movie and go to sleep!
Posted by Manda at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I feel whole with them by my side...
UGH!!! Today is the Sunday I get my kids back. It makes me so happy when they are with me. Yet, it so hard to handle when they don't show any excitement to see me.
Posted by Manda at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 8, 2011
what is wrong with me
Hmmm... the fact that my brain has been on overload for the past several days, is just driving me mad with insanity. To track it back to when the nonstop onslaught of mind numbing insanity began was the other night when I had a "conversation" with someone about my negativity for relationships and my lack of trust in men.
Posted by Manda at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Black Cloud
I have had a black cloud looming over me for awhile now. I had taken upon myself to just ignore it, see past it and embrace all the positives! That is until today!!!
Posted by Manda at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Welcome 2011
A new year... new beginnings... the end to old... the start to new... the resolutions that most have already made have probably been broken.
Posted by Manda at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Will the random thoughts ever cease? I hope not!
Am I really that big of a cynic when it comes to love? I mean, I listened to a song today, first time ever hearing it and really I cracked up laughing! I laughed so hard. I had to listen to it again a few times just to makes sure I heard the words correctly! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!
Posted by Manda at 11:48 PM 0 comments