Monday, March 2, 2009

a little something

Well, i have decided that I like the idea that Jennie has; I will also be posting a picture with every blog. Especially since she posted such a lovely one of me with her last one. Hahahahaa! And I really enjoyed her last blog Her Not Me Friday... tooo funny! You have to check it out!

Well, I have a little update about my living room and it is slowly coming along. I did get quite a bit done last week. It only took two days to do the painting in the entrance way, living room, and hallway. That to me was the easy part. Now tying everything together is a pain in the ass. I still need to get curtains... my window looks horrible without them, however, that is turning out to be the biggest pain... those suckers are expensive. But they have to be a part of the deal, because I refuse to not have anything on my windows.

This is the work in progress.... but that is the gist of the color...

I had a pretty crazed weekend and will have to write about that later... until then... much love to you all!


Jen said...

Hey Amanda,

I like the color you picked for the walls. Next time I'm in town I will come over and take a peak.

Have fun putting it all together!